DP for String Metrics: Regular Expression

This articles is about regular expression in a series of articles: DP for String Metrics. Series: DP for String Metrics Dynamic programming (DP) solves a complicate problem in optimal substructure by breaking it down into simpler sub-problems, and there are DP patterns that are very effective for string metrics. These articles are my summary notes on them. Please feel free to ping me for anything you think I should add.

DP for String Metrics: Longest Common Subsequence

This articles is about longest common subsequence in a series of articles: DP for String Metrics. Series: DP for String Metrics Dynamic programming (DP) solves a complicate problem in optimal substructure by breaking it down into simpler sub-problems, and there are DP patterns that are very effective for string metrics. These articles are my summary notes on them. Please feel free to ping me for anything you think I should add.

DP for String Metrics: Levenstein Distance

This articles is about Levenshtein Distance in a series of articles: DP for String Metrics. Series: DP for String Metrics Dynamic programming (DP) solves a complicate problem in optimal substructure by breaking it down into simpler sub-problems, and there are DP patterns that are very effective for string metrics. These articles are my summary notes on them. Please feel free to ping me for anything you think I should add.

DP for String Metrics

Dynamic programming (DP) solves a complicate problem in optimal substructure by breaking it down into simpler sub-problems, and there are DP patterns that are effective for string metrics. These articles are my summary notes on them. Please feel free to ping me for anything you think I should add. List of Articles Levenshtein Distance Longest Common Subsequence Regular Expression Distinct Subsequence (coming soon) Longest Repeating Subsequence (coming soon) Hamming Distance (coming soon) Prerequisite I tried to break things down as much as I could in the articles, however I’m not sure if they are granular enough to cover the fundamentals of DP itself.

xv6: How exactly is memory addressed? (Part 2)

This is the second article covering the memory management of xv6, continuing from the previous article which covered the memory management at the early stages of xv6’s kernel initialization before getting into its main function. In this article, the memory management mechanism in both kernel mode and user mode is covered. Specifically xv6 uses 2-level memory paging supported by MMU (memory management unit). This is essentially the same mechanism that Linux kernel manages its memory though the number of levels is different.